Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thru the Badlands and Big Sky Land to Buffalo, WY

Today was one heck of a long day. We went from Nebraska City, back into Iowa to I-29, and drove and drove, all the way thru South Dakota and into Wyoming, to a Motel 6 in the city of Buffalo, where I am now.

Today's weather was a lot nicer. No rain at all. On the vast majority of the trip, there was almost nothing to see out of the ordinary. The land here is so plain that that very fact is what makes it extra ordinary. Lots and lots of hey bales, cows here and there, and the land seems to cycle between long stretches of incredibly flat land to large hills. The billboards out here are kinda funny though. There's some famous drug store called Wall Drug and they seriously have 100s of billboard ads over hundreds of miles. I think its famous for record setting billboard advertising.

The one really cool thing we did see today was The Badlands in South Dakota. This place is incredible. It is also hard to describe. Look at my pictures, cause each one is worth 1000 words any way, and that's more than I want to type.

Animal Checklist on trip so far:Bunny (We think we ran over it without touching it, not sure if it was dead or alive already(
Prairie Dog !
Large Cat or Coyote type creature that I nearly hit as it darted across the road

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